Future means social

Neuguss offers a space or a platform, respectively, for the coagulation of different ventures in both service oriented and sales branches. Inspired by the anthroposophy Neuguss follows the idea, that economy can achieve so much more than just strive for earnings. There is much more! There is the wellbeing of present and future generations!

We choose a different economical approach Nele Freudenberg, Member of Neuguss Foundation

Neuguss supports the realisation of the above-mentioned approach. The neutralisation of capital and a cooperate joint venture organisation and -culture are two essential aspects. Both, the ideal of an » esthetical leadership as well as the consideration of the ecological and social sustainability are taken into consideration. This includes a worthwhile use of the earnings.

Our goal – together with our partners - is to depict that a different economical approach is possible. An approach which refers to human beings and which creates a balance between economical constraints and needs of the companies. The needs of the involved human beings and sustainability.

  • Create balance ...
    between economical constraints, needs of companies, needs of the involved human beings and sustainability.

Our development model

It is an essential characteristic as well as » task of an enterprise to be able to relate to the future, to envision development and to stay flexible. This affects certain vital areas such as society, culture, technical areas, economy and ecology etc. Our development model is a method, to face the challenges of the future. This is achieved e.g. by transferring our own situation and presence into this model. The model shows, how certain changes influence the entire system. We focus on 6 areas of developments.

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